Journal articles
McHugh Power, J, Homeniuk, R, Monaghan, C., Bantry-White, E, & O’Reilly, A. (2025). Loneliness Research in Ireland: What Should we Prioritise? ALONE
Monaghan, C., de Andrade Moral, R, & McHugh Power, J. (2025). Procrastination and preventive health-care in the older U.S. population. Preventive Medicine, 190, 108185.
Monaghan, C., Avila-Palencia, I., Han, S. D., & McHugh Power, J. (2024). Procrastination, depressive symptomatology, and loneliness in later life. Aging & Mental Health, 28(9), 1270–1277.
Allen, A.P., Doyle, C., Doyle, C.M., Monaghan, C., Fitzpatrick, N., Roche, R.A.P. (2021). What we talk about when we talk about the past: Discursive psychological analysis of autobiographical reminiscence in older Irish adults. Psychobiographical illustrations on meaning and identity in sociocultural contexts, 327-344.
Conference Presentations
Monaghan, C., de Andrade Moral, R, & McHugh Power, J. (2024). Modelling the Non-linear Associations between Age and Health: Implications for Care, Age and Ageing, Volume 53, Issue Supplement_4, September 2024, afae178.084
Monaghan, C., de Andrade Moral, R, & McHugh Power, J. (2024). Procrastination as a risk factor for poor health in older adults [Poster Session]. 38th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society. Cascais, Portugal.
Monaghan, C., & Power, J. M. (2023). Age, procrastination, depressive symptomatology, and loneliness: a structural equation modelling approach. Age and Ageing, 52(Supplement_3), afad156-066.
Monaghan, C. & Deirdre Desmond. Academic procrastination and perfectionism - the mediating role of temporal thought [Poster Session]. Annual Student Psychology Conference 2022. Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland.